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AGM, Amended By-Laws

Our Annual General Meeting will be held Monday, January 29, 7:00 pm in the Library Program Room.

All clubs are required to have appointed a DRCA representative to attend all general meetings. If the named representative is not able to attend, a proxy may be named. The (acting) secretary is to be notified of this change in writing. Currently the Acting Secretary is me. Anything administrative or secretarial in nature can be communicated via

Additionally, clubs are requested to send their nominations for Board members to the above email address. Five seats need to be filled. With our thanks for two years of dedicated service, Marie Corriveau is stepping down while Steve D'Eon, Wendy Murphy, Bernice Recchia and I are willing to let our names stand again if nominated.

Aricle XVII of the By-laws states:


57. Amendments to this By-law may be made only by a General Meeting of the Corporation and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of those present. Proposed amendments must be published in the North Renfrew Times at least thirty days in advance of the General Meeting at which they are introduced.

Due to the the sale of the North Renfrew Times in March, several by-laws in reference to the NRT are in need of updating. While going through with a fine tooth comb, we found other by-laws that needed to be updated in light of new circumstances and/or our changing times. The list of changes necessary are too many to list in the NRT as the cost would be prohibitive. This is just one example of a by-law that is in need of updating. Therefore, 30 days notice is being given in advance by electronic means, which provides for the public viewing of the proposed changes while also putting them in the direct hands of the member organizations.

I will contacting clubs individually in the near future with annual registration forms (now in electronic format!) and a reminder to appoint a DRCA Rep to attend the AGM.

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