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What We Do
Provide financial advice and security for standing committees and user groups. These current committees/groups are THEOP (THEatre OPerating Committee), Mackey Camp Committee, Community Centre Management Committee, and the Childs Auditorium & Piano Users Group. The Community Centre is leased by the DRCA from the Town of Deep River.​
Provide a scholarship to a graduating Mackenzie Community School student with the most volunteer hours.
Provide substantial financial support for the Canada Day fireworks through a Heritage Canada grant.
Act as a liaison between member clubs and local municipalities and schools/school boards.
Provide and maintain the Steinway grand piano at Bernard Childs Auditorium as well as a Genie Lift stored at Mackenzie Community School.
Serve as a central source for information on services within the community.
Provide assistance for launching new clubs.
Act as a repository for the assets of a club in temporary suspension.
Give local citizens the opportunity to have a say in the recreational and cultural aspects of the community by attending the Annual General Meeting and/or becoming a member of the Board of Directors.
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