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July 2017 Newsletter

Summer greetings from the Deep River Community Association

Just a quick update on what we have been up to since our last meeting of the Members.

In that last special meeting, March 30th, the Members voted 31-1 with 1 abstention to sell the newspaper to the three full-time employees. The sale went forward and we have been spending a bit of time stabilizing our finances/books. At that time we had $40,000 of revenue owing on the books, a lot of it more than a year overdue. Bernice Recchia, our treasurer, has been a one person debt collecting machine working with the advertisers and we are now close to achieving our initial expectations on these overdue accounts to us.

Our books also showed only $60 of revenue for the year for use of the piano and the auditorium maintenance fund. We have taken steps with the piano and auditorium users to gather the funding that maintains the piano for all to use and the funds that will form the basis of upgrades to the auditorium as per our Trillium grant obligations. Clubs involved in the piano and auditorium will see some correspondence from DRCA Board member Marie Corriveau in the future re some ideas on how to make this run smoother going forward.

We have received a few grants as well. For the July 1st Fireworks we received $3200 from Heritage Canada, $3,000 from the Town, and some personal donations. The Town of Deep River via Christine Armstrong has taken on the task of ordering and arranging the fireworks topping up the above monies to put on a substantial pyrotechnics show worthy of Canada's 150th.

And finally we received a grant to hire a summer student. After interviews and credentials were evaluated in a close competition we hired Brittany Boor to work until the end of August when she will return to Mackenzie for grade 11. Brittany is a real go-getter and we have tasked her with generating a web and social media presence for the DRCA and our Member Clubs. Our plans are to assist in getting known all the great things Clubs and organizations do to make Deep River and North Renfrew a great place to live. See more below on Brittany's suggestions on how we should proceed with generating a web and social media presence.

Hope you enjoyed the Fireworks and Canada Day and all the mosquitos.

Steve D'Eon, President, DRCA

From Brittany:

I believe that we, the DRCA, should focus on creating an accessible and updated website. The website will include standard information on all of the member clubs of the DRCA, as well as pictures, links to the member clubs' websites, and other aspects. A social media presence should be made through Facebook as well. The Facebook account should have updates on what the DRCA is doing, and possibly what the member clubs are doing, for example sign-up dates for clubs, big events, etc. I am looking forward to help develop these new aspects of the DRCA.

Brittany Boor

From Cheryl, your usual Communique Communicator:

As Brittany is working on the website over the summer, she will be accessing registration records to populate the club pages. If information is needed, she may email you with questions relating to the purpose of the club, etc., basically the "Who are you?" "What do you do?" and "Who do you do it for?" questions. She may also ask for logos, if you have them.

I've been working closely with Brittany on this project and I'm thrilled with what she's developed so far. I will be working on a Members' Area and work on getting registration digitized as promised. These are exciting times for the DRCA as we get caught up to the 21st century! :D


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